What Does the Web Design Process Actually Look Like in Practice?

It’s easier than ever to start a website. You click a few buttons in a control panel and spin up a blank webpage. However, that doesn’t mean that’s all you need to create a successful site.

Believe it or not, it takes an average of two months to create a website with basic features. If you want to offer more to your visitors, things will get even more complicated.

Luckily, you don’t need to be a programmer expert to learn the web design process. Keep reading to learn how to handle the website development process in practice.

Define Your Idea

You can’t build a great website without a great idea. Unfortunately, some aspiring website owners believe they have the best new idea out there, and that’s usually not the case.

You need to validate your new website idea before you build it. Define what you want your website to do and talk about it with your ideal visitors to see if it’s something that they are willing to use.

See more here about creating an initial product for your idea.

Design Your Wireframes

Once you validate your website idea, the next step is to figure out how it will work. You can do this by creating a website wireframe.

A wireframe is a visual representation of how your website will flow. You’ll create mockups of your website screens, how they connect to each other, and the user stories your visitors will go through when using your website.

Create Your Design

Once you have your website wireframes, you can add a design to your website skeleton. That’s where the design process helps.

Think about your target customers and how they will use your website. Create a design that’s simple, easy to use, and keeps people coming back for more.

Program Your Website

Now that you have your website design, you can move on to the development process. In this step, you’ll program your website or look for a website developer to handle the job for you.

Since you already have your website design and functionality defined, hand over your information to your developer. They should be able to take what you give them and produce the website you’re trying to build.

Create User Tests

Your job isn’t done when you finish your website programming. Even if you find a great developer, that doesn’t mean that they won’t make mistakes. There will be bugs in the initial version of any website or program you develop.

That’s why testing is the last step you need to take in the web design process. Get a group of potential users and have them use your website. They can find possible bugs and let you know about any changes you need to make before you launch to the world.

Now You Know the Web Design Process

While each step of the web design process has a lot to it, the above is the normal process you’ll see when designing a website. As a small business owner, you can’t afford to build a website without first knowing how to do it right. Now that you know how to get things done, you can find the best web developer and designer to take on your new website project.

Of course, getting people to visit your website is a different process than building it. Check out the blog to learn the digital marketing tips you need to know to grow your new site.

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