5 Sources of Radiation You Didn’t Know You Have in Your Home

Unlike popular movies and shows would have us believe, radiation won’t force you to pop out a third eye or grow a second nose. It will, however, cause significant damage to your bodily health

Radiation is present in our homes, coming from various objects that we might not normally see as sources of radiation. We’re going to take a look at some of the common objects in your home that might be sources of radiation. 

Hopefully, the ideas below will help you stay safe and healthy in your own home. Let’s get started. 

1. WiFi and Bluetooth Systems

It’s a scary thing to think about, but some of the technology that we use most actually puts out radiation. Wifi routers and Bluetooth systems might put out more electromagnetic energy than we’d like them to. 

The difficulty is that we can’t see what’s getting emitted from these devices, so it’s hard to know whether you’re safe. A good first step is to buy an EMF filter

You need Wifi and Bluetooth options in your home, so it’s important to find ways to reduce radiation and stay safe. 

2. Slabs of Granite

We tend to think of granite as a pretty standard, radiation-free material. That said, when granite gets mined, it’s often spiked with radiation. 

Granite countertops are porous, and they absorb some of the gasses, frequencies, and other elements present when they’re lodged in the ground. Radon, radiation, and more are not uncommon in new granite slabs. 

3. Older Televisions

Older, boxy televisions might be sources of radiation. Not all models will emit dangerous or noticeable levels, but some of them might be a danger to you. 

If the television has a cathode ray tube, it might be a model that emits unsafe levels of radiation exposure. The best thing to do is to get a new television. 

If that’s not an option, just make sure that you’re sitting at list 5-6 fit away from the television because the radiation emits only a few feet out from the television. 

4. Cigarettes

Tobacco plants might accumulate radioactive elements and harbor them through the cigarette processing journey. So, tobacco plants that are exposed to dangerous elements in the wild might come through the plant and expose smokers to radium, lead-210, and variations of polonium. 

A lot of dangerous exposure comes from different kinds of fertilizer that get used on tobacco crops or on neighboring crops. 

5. Microwaves 

Microwaves have long been thought to pose some sort of health risk to human beings. People have always been afraid that the microwave causes radiation poisoning or electrifies our food in such a way that might be damaging. 

While it’s true that microwaves do emit strong EMF waves, they’re not likely to harm you unless you stand in front of a working microwave for long periods of time. 

Want to Learn More About Sources of Radiation?

Hopefully, our look at common sources of radiation was insightful to you. there’s more to learn, though. There are different types of radiation to contend with, and adequate radiation safety requires that you know the risks of those respective types. 

We’re here to help. Explore our site for more ideas on household safety, lifestyle tips, entertainment, and much more. 

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