Prepare to Move: The Only Moving Checklist You’ll Need

Assessing your needs as you prepare to move can differ depending on where and how far you’re moving.

While most on-the-move Americans (around 85%) will be staying within the state where they currently reside, others could see themselves moving across the country or globe.

There are six basic points that will keep any move on track regardless of location. In the following article, we explore each in more detail. Let’s get moving!

1. Take Inventory

Your moving checklist should begin with a clear idea of what you own and plan to take with you on the move. Rather than boxes and packing supplies, you’ll need a pen and notebook paper.

Sit down in a quiet room. List out the items of importance in each room. Once you’ve done a mental run through the house, visit each room and fill in any gaps that you might have left along the way.

2. Submit Your Change of Address

Another important step in how to prepare for a move is to make accommodations for mail. Start a couple of weeks before the move and submit a change of address form. This process only takes a few moments and can even be completed online

3. Source the Moving Supplies You Will Need

Having an inventory list in hand will help with the next major portion of your move: locating moving boxes and supplies. There are two schools of thought when it comes to this. 

You can go to office supplies stores or websites and purchase what you need (certain but expensive). Or, you can go to retail and grocery stores to see if they have any boxes available for free. 

Going the free route might mean a little more in gas and hassle but it can save you hundreds of dollars potentially. How much depends on the size of the move you’re doing. 

4. Verify the Help

Moving help can be unpredictable if you’re going it alone. You’ll want to check with your most trusted family and friends and also make sure they’re physically up for the job. Also, look into opportunities to save on time and hassle with options like these uHaul rental services

Another alternative is to hire a moving company. However, that might not be as cost-feasible depending on your income and the size of your move. 

5. Know Where Each Box Goes

As you load up the moving truck, you might want to carefully arrange the boxes in a way that makes sense to the place where you are going. Grouping boxes by room will help for a smooth and orderly transition. 

6. Make Arrangements for Kids, Pets, and Perishables

Lastly, you’ll want to make arrangements for all those responsibilities that either can’t be taken with you or that distract from the process. Got any children or pets? Arrange for them to stay somewhere separately or ride with a friend or family member who isn’t a part of the heavy lifting. 

As for your refrigerator and cabinets, check those expiration dates. If it makes sense to bring food along with you (i.e., you’re not traveling far), then bring them with you. Otherwise, use up any perishable items by consuming them in the two weeks leading up to moving day.

Check the Boxes As You Prepare to Move

As you prepare to move, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the task in front of you. However, taking inventory of what you’re moving, preparing the new location, and getting your movers and supplies lined up will be a tremendous stress relief. 

Best of luck as you head into moving day. For more helpful lifestyle hacks and information, check out some of our additional posts!

Infographic Provided By Moving Leads Company, USA Home Listings

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