5 Community Service Ideas for Adults

Did you know 30% of adults volunteer in America? That’s about 77 million people!

Are you one of them? If not, don’t worry. It’s easy to get involved and give back to your local community.

There is a long list of pros to community service. Volunteering helps you meet new people, release stress, decrease depression, boost self-confidence, and stay physically healthy. 

If you are ready to get involved, you’ve come to the right place. We have listed our top five community service ideas below. Let’s explore.

1. Walk Dogs for Local Animal Shelters

If you love animals and volunteering, then this is the community service project for you.

Animal shelters take in homeless and neglected pets, many of which are dogs. The number of dogs typically outnumbers the number of workers per shelter. This makes it difficult to give the animals the exercise and attention they need.

But that’s where volunteers come in. Sign up with your local SPCA or Humane Society to become a regular dog walker.

Most shelters require volunteers to fill at least one shift every other week. However, you can help out more if your schedule allows. Most shifts range between two and four hours, and many dog-walking shifts are in the morning.

In addition to giving a homeless canine some much-needed exercise, you also can benefit from the experience. Embarking on regular walks improves cardiovascular fitness, lowers blood pressure, eases stress, and builds strong muscles.

2. Deliver Groceries for Those in Need

We take simple activities like grocery shopping for granted. But 3.6 million Americans have travel-limiting disabilities that prevent them from leaving their homes.

So how do these disabled citizens get essential household items? Some use grocery delivery services, although those programs are costly. A better alternative is partnering up with volunteers who can bring food and necessities to their doorstep.

Local organizations match drivers with disabled residents in the community. If you have a vehicle, put it to good use and deliver the store to a citizen’s door. You can use your free time to support those who cannot make it to the market.

3. Get Involved With Meals on Wheels

If you have a passion for cooking, consider volunteering at your local Meals on Wheels.

Meals on Wheels is a federally supported nutritional program that brings hot food to adults in need. It is a leadership organization with over 5,000 programs throughout the country. Their mission is to empower community leaders, enhance the quality of life for aging adults, and make sure no one goes to bed hungry.

There are various ways to get involved with Meals on Wheels. If you like the kitchen, you can help prepare food. You may be dicing up onions, boiling noodles, or pureeing foods for customers who cannot chew.

Other volunteer positions include packaging up meals, washing dishes, and delivering hot meals to the recipients.

The need for volunteers varies between communities, but many Meals on Wheels locations follow a volunteer schedule. Working adults can even volunteer during their lunch breaks. Volunteering at lunch makes it easy to fit community service into a hectic schedule.

4. Offer Job Interview Training Sessions

Are you an expert at interviewing? If so, consider using your knowledge to help others.

Local community centers are always looking for professionals to assist in job training courses and help others get back on their feet.

As a volunteer, you can coach people through an upcoming interview. Give them real-life examples of what to expect and provide mock interviews. You can assist in selecting professional interview attire and help them follow up with the company after the interview.

Volunteering as a job interview trainer is one of the best virtual community service ideas. If your schedule gets hectic or it’s unsafe to be around others, you can easily provide training over-the-phone or via video calls.

To get started, reach out to your local community center or YMCA. Or, you can establish your own job training events. There are easy-to-use tools that make it simple to pitch in to volunteer and help others succeed.

5. Clean Your Community

You don’t have to work with an established organization to make a difference in your community. Take the initiative to clean up your environment and recruit others to join your cause.

Start a neighborhood cleanup once a month (or more!). Invite others to pick up trash, clean local streams, and wash graffiti off buildings and signs. If your community cleanup starts to pick up steam, take on bigger projects, like creating a neighborhood garden or repainting park equipment.

Working with your fellow citizens to clean up your surroundings provides a plethora of benefits.

First of all, it helps the environment. Household trash and packaging waste make up 80% of the debris in our oceans. A simple stream cleanup goes a long way in reducing water pollution and helping Mother Earth stay healthy.

Second, community cleanups are a great way to get to know the people who live around you. It provides an excellent icebreaker for new residents and can lead to new friendships.

Being friendly with your neighbors also means you have someone to rely on when you need help. Whether it’s cleaning up after a storm or having someone check in on your house while you’re away, it’s never a bad thing to be familiar with the people who live nearby.

Third, a clean neighborhood benefits everyone’s bottom line. When it comes time to sell your home, prospective buyers will pay a higher price for a home in a well-kept neighborhood.

Community Service Ideas & More Lifestyle Tips

There is no limit to the different community service ideas for adults who want to put their free time to good use. From delivering hot meals to cleaning up your community, it’s easy to get involved and give back to others.

What other lifestyle tips are you looking to learn? From health to money management, we have got you covered. Explore our blog now.

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