Eric Wetlaufer – What Passion Can Do For You

We often hear about the  importance of being passionate about what you do in order to achieve your goals and I have seen first hand the difference that this can make. Back in Wesson when I was younger there was a group of 3 friends, myself, my buddy Frank and Eric Wetlaufer, a name you may be familiar with thanks to his excellent work in business for brilliant companies like Fidelity, a highly successful company which he was a key part of. During those younger days it was clear that Eric would be the star, because of the amount of passion which he had. If you are in a job or a relationship which you are not passionate about, here is the difference that it can make.


The most important thing to mention here is that being passionate has a directly positive impact on your overall happiness. If you are in a job that you are passionate about then you will be far less miserable at waking up and spending your day at the office or your place of work. If you are in a relationship that has no passion then you are not going to happy when you get home each day and you certainly won’t be waking up happy.  Eric is the happiest person I know and whilst he may have 3 kids and a job which takes up most of his time, he is always in a great mood.


With regards to your job, it is highly unlikely that you are going to want to climb higher up the ladder if you aren’t already passionate about the job which you have. I can remember when Eric was in his first month into a new job and an email circulated using who would like to be considered to step up, and Eric replied. This was because he instantly knew that he had a passion for the job and the industry and so he couldn’t wait to get up the ladder. This was one of the first cases of this that the company had seen and within a month he was in a team leader position. Passion will make you more ambitious.


I was chatting with one of the women in Eric’s office last week and she was asking me if he had always been a winner. The truth is that he wasn’t, at least not in his younger days. The reason why Eric is getting the results that he is achieving now however is because of that passion which he has. Each day he storms into the office with a smile on his face and results in his eyes. this energy and this desire to win comes directly from the passion that he has both for the job and for the success of his company.

If you are not passionate about what you do or where you are in life, then you need to switch things up until you are.

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