Moving With Ease: 8 Benefits of Hiring a Full-Service Moving Company

On the list of stressful life events, it’s safe to say that most people might think something like getting a divorce or raising a child would be at the top. Instead, a different common nightmare holds the top ranking: moving to a new home.

In one survey, almost half of respondents said moving was by far the most stressful experience of their life, with 43% saying that the event was so bad they will never do it again.

Tackling a move on your own can be a massive headache—which is why letting a full-service moving company handle it on your behalf is always a safer bet. In that same survey, a whopping 94% of people who hired movers said they were worth every penny!

If you’re not sure what full-service movers can do for you, let’s break down the most important ways they help with your relocation.

1. You’ll Have All the Supplies You Need

If you’re planning to move on your own, you’ll spend a lot of time gathering all of the supplies and tools you need. This includes things like hordes of moving boxes as well as packing tape, bubble wrap and other forms of cushioning, labeling materials, and cargo straps or rope. In addition, you’ll often need extra tools for furniture and appliances.

One of the most obvious up-front benefits of a full-service moving company is that you won’t have to gather anything at all! Because your movers will take care of everything for you, there’s no scramble to prepare your supplies in advance.

2. There’s No Need to Pack

Packing is one of the most grueling parts of the moving process when you tackle the job alone.

With full-service movers, however, you won’t have to lift a finger to get your belongings into their boxes. Your movers will do the work for you, whether you want to watch and help or leave them to do it alone. If you want to pack special items or valuables yourself, that’s always an option.

This can be especially important if you’re worried about any big-ticket items like sensitive electronics or bulky appliances. If you’re curious about the packing process, try researching a company that offers this service. Click for more.

3. You Won’t Have to Worry About Damage

As you ferry your belongings from one home to the next, you’ll probably start to worry about potential damage.

There are two types of damage the best full-service moving company can help you avoid.

First, good movers will ensure that all items are properly packed, meaning that you won’t have to worry about accidental damage to them. From precious family heirlooms to expensive electronics to delicate artwork, your movers will take thoughtful precautions to protect your goods.

Second, full-service movers can ensure that you don’t damage your old home during the move-out process or your new one during the move-in process. If you’re not used to moving, it’s easy to damage a wall when navigating tight spaces, or to mark up the floor with a heavy appliance or piece of furniture. Experienced movers prevent this from happening.

4. You Won’t Strain Your Muscles

Repetitive lifting injuries are no joke—and they’re pretty common during a move if you don’t know what you’re doing. Lifting from your back, putting too much pressure on your knee joints, and other common mistakes can strain muscles you didn’t realize you had!

To avoid muscle pain or even costly visits to the doctor, work with a full-service moving company to coordinate your transition.

5. The Cleanup Is Taken Care Of

In the aftermath of a move, it can sometimes feel like a tornado has swept through your new home. This disaster leaves dust, dirt, and debris in its wake, as well as tons of empty boxes, trash bags, bubble wrap, and other supplies.

When you’re working with professional movers, you won’t have to tackle this mess on your own. Instead, your movers will handle the cleanup on your behalf before they leave.

6. You’ll Save Precious Time

It’s easy to underestimate how much time a move will cost you, especially if you’ve never moved before. The packing process alone can sometimes take weeks or even months!

When you hire the right moving company, you’re hiring a team that gives you back your precious time. Instead of coordinating your move, you’ll be able to spend your time where it matters most, whether that’s planning home improvement projects for your new place or taking time for some well-deserved self-care.

7. It’s Well Worth the Cost

Full-service movers may seem expensive, but the truth is that they’re often well worth the cost. Instead of paying for your supplies, truck rental, gas, storage, and much more, you’ll pay a flat fee to avoid dealing with all of these headaches. In some cases, the price won’t be too much more than you would have spent on your own, and it’ll offer you much more peace of mind.

8. Moving Will Be Less Stressful

Last, but not least, your move will be less stressful with professional movers on hand. Knowing that you have an experienced team to help you every step of the way can lead to less anxiety, meaning that you can sit back and relax during your move instead of losing sleep over it!

Hire a Full-Service Moving Company for the Job

At the end of the day, hiring a full-service moving company offers a wealth of key benefits. Whether you want to get back your precious time or simply remove the stress from your relocation, having a team of pros at your side can help. If you’re ready to relocate, be sure to reach out to a local moving company to learn more!

Looking for more of the essential tips you need for real estate and beyond? Be sure to take a look at our other posts for more guides like this one.

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